
Coronavirus Support From Business Representative Organisations And Trade Associations

Students will master traditional and emerging technologies to extend and develop conceptual fashion products and/or ranges that challenge convention and advance fashion practice within the diverse Fashion landscape. The focus is on active and participative learning as the students develop a business proposal with support from academic mentors. Students adopt the role of company directors with specific remits within the group and work together towards the development of an appropriate Business Model, which informs the production and presentation of a cohesive Business Plan. As the team develop the business model, students have opportunity to put theory into practice and to utilise and reflect upon industry practices and the development of their professional skills in preparation for employment. This unit enables students to develop their working practices and professional processes applicable to the research, design, development and manufacture of fashion/sportswear garments using in

Fashion & Textiles

The unit includes business applications relevant to the fashion industry including gaining a competitive advantage; project management; market research; marketing and branding; the business planning process and creating a business plan. Some jobs, such as retail management, are open to graduates from any degree discipline. This is because fashion explainopedia degrees are very industry-specific and aren’t as transferable to a range of careers as degrees such as history, business and English are. Small Businesses For help with study skills, including referencing, essay writing and presentations, you’ll have access to our academic support services. The University of Hertfordshire is committed to welcoming students with a wide range of qualifications and levels of experience. The  code coda entry requirements listed on the course pages provide a guide to the minimum level of qualifications needed to study each course. Geoenvironmental Engineering Mres We use cookies on our website